What could you do with R70? In 1975, Dr Sam Motsuenyane, together with a group of courageous men and women, managed to turn that paltry sum into a bank! Not just any bank, mind you. An African Bank for the people, by the people, serving the people.
The founding story of African Bank is a story of audacity. It took audacity to believe that banking should benefit everyone, not just a select few. It took audacity to create a vision so enduring, it continues to stand the test of time.
Dr Motsuenyane poured his heart and soul into the establishment of African Bank. It was his fervent belief that our people could navigate the path from poverty to prosperity with the right financial partner at their side. He is the embodiment of the audacity to believe that continues to drive the growth and evolution of African Bank.
Dr Sam Motsuenyane is an entrepreneur, farmer, business leader, visionary, and our inspiration. The example he set is intertwined in the very fabric of our organisation. His story deserves to be told to inspire a new generation of pathfinders, disrupters and troubleshooters. Men and women of courage. Leaders by example. Audacious achievers. Bold believers. His legacy is one of steward leadership and selfless dedication to the service of others. We are privileged to be able to continue his important work and provide solutions that will advance the lives of our people.
Dr Motsuenyane: In our hearts, you are forever young. You poured yourself into our vision of an African Bank for the people, by the people, serving the people. Thank you for giving us the audacity to believe.