Social responsibility

Our CSI Trust converts aid money into sustainable community upliftment projects in education, sports and enterprise development. In consultation with our CSI sponsors, we target a disadvantaged community, then design and implement programmes to meet the specific needs of that community.

Changing the conversation

South Africa is an emerging market plagued by sometimes overwhelming challenges. Many focus on the challenges and forget about the abundance that this country has to offer. So we're changing the conversation in South Africa - through the community upliftment projects that we're implementing. We're talking about the future in a positive way. We're talking about 'innovation' and 'entrepreneurs'. "We believe that, together we will achieve more."


Imagine you had money that you wanted to give away for the good of others. Imagine you had time to share your knowledge and skills, help turn someone's life around, make a difference, bring them hope and optimism for a brighter future.

Now imagine that there was a way that you could get the most out of your time and money. Where each cent, every minute really was used to make a difference - the difference that you want to make. African Bank's CSI Trust can show you where to put your CSI time and money. We work with you for a better South Africa.

Partner with us

We partner with some of the most highly thought of companies in South Africa and we are already changing people's lives but we want to change more! We are supporting

  • Education programmes, including English literacy, computer training and mathematics.
  • Sports development
  • Entrepreneurship - creating jobs

And we want to do MORE! But we can only do it with YOUR help.


If you have CSI funding and you want to use it wisely, in projects that are key to your personal or company philosophy, join us today! You can be a partner, a sponsor or donate.


Give something more valuable than money, your TIME. Get involved and volunteer.

The Trust will use your time and money in projects that don't benefit just individuals but whole communities. Join us now in making a real difference to the lives of deprived South Africans.

Our pledge

We promise that for every cent invested we will get the best value for money. We will be responsible, monitor the implementation of all projects and report back on what we have achieved.

Our objectives

  • Invest in a specific, deprived area and make a noticeable difference to the quality of life of that community
  • Conduct valid, reliable research into an identified area and design an eclectic mix of projects designed to meet the unique needs of the chosen community
  • Obtain maximum social investment with minimal expenditure on infrastructure and overheads
  • Engage and involve our sponsors and their employees in community projects
  • Ensure that the projects are economically sustainable

Our projects

The Trust converts 'aid money' into 'sustainable opportunities' by implementing projects that educate and protect our environment for the future, find markets for the present, produce proudly South African products, create opportunities for competitiveness and generate jobs.

In consultation with our CSI sponsors, we target a disadvantaged community, then design and implement a CSI programme to meet the specific needs of that community.

Click on the button below to view a 15 minute video highlighting our previous CSI projects.

Watch CSI video


'Searching for a great heart under the African sky – make a difference to one at a time' – Johnny Clegg. No matter where you are, who you are and how much you can afford, you can make a significant difference to the life of someone or a group of people living in a deprived community. Make your time and your money count by participating in a holistic, systematic approach to community upliftment.
You can get involved in many ways

You can sponsor

A sponsor is an organisation or an individual that wishes to make a significant contribution to uplifting a community – holistically and systematically. A sponsor takes the lead in 'adopting' a specific community.

You can partner

A partner identifies a CSI programme or a project within a programme that is already established and partners with the sponsor towards collective effort in uplifting a community.

You can donate

Every Rand donated will make a difference, there is no amount that is too big or too small.

You can volunteer

We are always looking for people to help us. You can get involved by volunteering your services or mentoring.
Contact: Cecilia Mokoena
Email address:  [email protected]